2024 proved to be a historic year for Rancho Obi-Wan

2024 proved to be a historic year for Rancho Obi-Wan, marked by our announcement in October of our plans to launch The Saga Museum® of Star Wars Memorabilia.

Over the next two years we need to raise $2 million to begin the formal stages of bringing The Saga Museum from a grand idea into the galaxy’s most innovative museum for Star Wars fans like you. 

As we bring 2024 to a close, we’re inviting you to join us in making these bold dreams come true. A gift to support The Saga Museum today at any amount meaningful to you will make a tremendous impact towards reaching our goal.  

To learn more about our exciting plans, please watch the heartfelt video below with the official announcement of The Saga Museum of Star Wars Memorabilia:

Messages of thanks from The Saga Museum Group:

I want to thank Star Wars fans and collectors worldwide for their enthusiastic response to our October announcement of our intention to merge three other collections with mine at Rancho Obi-Wan to create The Saga Museum of Star Wars Memorabilia. We have a lot of work ahead of us and we continue to run weekly tours of Rancho in the meantime. We truly appreciate your continuing support. – Steve Sansweet

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support of Rancho Obi-Wan and for joining us on the voyage to make The Saga Museum a reality. I wish you the happiest of holidays, with good food, time with family and friends, and much laughter. – Melissa Hillman

As we come to the end of 2024, I want to say thanks to all of you who have supported Rancho Obi-Wan.  Many of you have been members for years and some of you are supporting us for the first time.  I really appreciate all of you and want you to know we could not do what we do without you! The coming years look to be even more exciting with the progress on The Saga Museum project and we’re glad you have chosen to join us on this adventure.  Have a great new year! – Duncan Jenkins

Thank you for supporting Rancho Obi-Wan as we take our first steps into a larger world with The Saga Museum. The new year is going to be very exciting! – Vic Wertz

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all ROW members, donors, and volunteers for your continued support. It has been an amazing year for all of us, and we have some exciting and ambitious goals ahead for ROW and Saga. We could not do it without all of you, and it takes a community of enthusiastic and supportive people like you to make this possible. We look forward to continuing to share how your contributions are helping to deliver on our audacious goals! – Gus Lopez

A Happy Holidays to the Rancho Obi-Wan community!  You helped us make 2024 amazing with the launch of The Saga Museum project and I can’t wait to share the coming years with you as we chart a path to our new public museum! – Lisa Stevens

Dear friends, every single day the love you feel for Star Wars, Rancho Obi-Wan, and the future Saga Museum fuels the world with enthusiasm, smiles, and good energy. As Stew says in the video, “it turns the light on”. I hope the new year brings this light to your heart.  We’re super excited to build something grand just for you – stay tuned! – Anne Neumann

A galaxy-sized thank you to our Rancho Obi-Wan community! Your passion, support, and generosity have made 2024 a remarkable year as we launched The Saga Museum initiative. This is just the beginning of something extraordinary, and we couldn’t do it without you. Together, we’re ensuring the magic of Star Wars—and its legacy—shines bright for generations to come. May the Force be with you all this holiday season and beyond! – Michael J. Wistock

To our incredible community, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support of Rancho Obi-Wan and The Saga Museum initiative. As I reflect on the amazing year we had and think about the exciting path ahead, I realize that inspiration is a funny thing. Our mission may be to inspire others by preserving and sharing the rich history of Star Wars, but it is your passion for the Star Wars universe, your enthusiasm, and your belief in our work that truly inspires us.
Thank you for being a part of our journey. May the new year bring you hope and light. – Rich Smolen