Sweet Pick’n Vintage Market Spring Fundraiser!

Come see us at Sweet Pick’n Vintage Market in Petaluma on Sunday, March 24th, for our first fundraiser of the Spring!

We will be selling duplicate Star Wars toys from our collection and much more.

 Sweet Pick’n is a unique marketplace for vintage collectors of all kinds and will feature over 50 vendors. 

We are excited to be part of this event in our local community and invite you to join us.

Sweet Pick’n Vintage Market

Veterans Memorial Hall

1094 Petaluma Blvd South

Petaluma, California


Difficult News to Share…

We have difficult news to share from Rancho Obi-Wan.
Please see the update from Steve Sansweet.

It is with profound sadness we update this with news that our dear friend Stew Levy, husband of Rancho Obi-Wan President and CEO Anne Neumann, passed away on August 20th, 2023. He was surrounded by loving family and friends.

Steve Sansweet Has More Answers for Your #AskSteve Questions Pt 2

Steve Sansweet has more answers for your #AskSteve questions submitted via our social media channels in March!


The collection contains many rare Japanese items, many acquired through my long time friend and fellow collector Sword Takeda. A sealed cup of Star Wars branded rice snacks or a similar package of bread sticks, both from 1978 come to mind. Among my favorites: over 20 posters, including mini billboards, of a Panasonic ad campaign only in Japan from the late 1980s featuring Star Wars characters AND George Lucas himself. – Steve Sansweet

See more about some of the Japanese Star Wars collectibles at Rancho Obi-Wan! 



There are hundreds, maybe thousands of great stories attached to items at Rancho Obi-Wan. That’s why a guided tour takes several hours. Visitors love to hear how something was developed, manufactured, acquired and any associated stories. There’s always the tale of how I picked up Qui-Gon Jinn’s soul—or sole, as the case may be—but you’ll need to book a tour to hear that one! – Steve Sansweet

Other remains of Qui-Gon Jinn

Come take a tour to hear all the stories! 


Wow! We’re getting a little heavy and philosophical here. I don’t know of anyone who has figured out how to take anything with them when they pass. My first assistant, Josh Ling, once answered a more ghoulish message board question by suggesting that I’d be laid out in the middle of the museum and it would be imploded around me. But the collection and spirit of Rancho Obi-Wan will last a long time into the future. – Steve Sansweet


We’ll have more answers to your questions coming soon!

Be sure to check out answers to #AskSteve Pt 1

Steve Sansweet Has Answers for your #AskSteve Social Media Questions Pt 1

Did you #AskSteve a question

We recently posted on our social media channels if you would like to ask Steve Sansweet a question? 🤔
Tons of you submitted questions for the opportunity to get an answer from our Executive Chairman and Founder.
We have randomly selected questions and have some of your answers now from Steve himself!

Glad to hear that The Ultimate Action Figure Collection was one of your favorites. It was a lot of work to plan, research all the figures and do the photography. All of us involved were thrilled with how it turned out! But the market for Star Wars collectibles books is largely being filled these days with amazing self-published books by worldwide collectors. I’m not currently involved in any new publishing projects. – Steve Sansweet



The most unique and rarest Star Wars action figure that was available for purchase was a figure of Vlix, a crime lord from the animated Droids television series. Kenner Products never produced it or other Droids characters in a planned second wave because the first wave didn’t sell well and the series only ran one season in the mid 1980s. But for some reason, Brazilian affiliate Glasslite produced a Vlix in relatively low numbers in 1987. On a card, it’s worth its weight in gold. – Steve Sansweet



Fifty to 100 years? I’d be happy to solidify a plan for five to 10 years out. And our great board of directors is working on a strategic plan that could see a new kind of museum experience in that time frame. A lot of variables all have to go the right way, but we’re all firm believers in that old Kenner Products marketing slogan: Star Wars is forever!- Steve Sansweet

Stay tuned for more #AskSteve answers (and photos) coming soon!

The Rancho Obi-Wan Experience will not be exhibiting at Celebration 2023

We wanted to officially let everyone know that Steve Sansweet and Rancho Obi-Wan will not be exhibiting at Star Wars Celebration in London next month.
We hope everyone has a galactic time celebrating the love of all things Star Wars!

If you would like to experience Rancho Obi-Wan in person this year with family and friends, we have tour tickets available now!

@ranchoobiwan Did you know you can take a tour of our world’s largest Star Wars memorabilia collection? #starwars #ranchoobiwan #starwarsmuseum #museumtour #starwarsisforeveryone ♬ Star Wars (Epic Main Theme) – Samuel Kim

See photos from Rancho Obi-Wan at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2013 and 2016 here

Rancho Obi-Wan Partners with the Sharpsteen Museum for The Force of Fandom

Rancho Obi-Wan is thrilled to partner with the Sharpsteen Museum for “The Force of Fandom” exhibit celebrating creativity and inspiration in the Star Wars Universe.

The Force of Fandom Exhibit at The Sharpsteen Museum

Curated Star Wars memorabilia from our museum, the collections of Steve Sansweet and our incredible docents, Dwayne Smith and Marc Morita will be on display. Over 250 unique Star Wars pieces will be featured!

You’ll encounter some special guests from a galaxy far, far away during the grand opening launch party of The Force of Fandom exhibit at the Sharpsteen Museum on Fri. Mar. 10, 10:30am-Noon/PT

The Force of Fandom exhibit can be enjoyed February 24-May 5, 2005 at The Sharpsteen Museum in Calistoga, California.