The Rancho Obi-Wan Experience: LEGO Deep Dive

Being a docent at Rancho Obi-Wan has never felt like a job. Sure, I might get asked to lift some boxes, dust a little bit, maybe even vacuum from time to time. But I’m also allowed to navigate people through the biggest Star Wars collection in the galaxy. I get to watch people reclaim their youth by showing them a vintage Kenner figure or having them check out an old-school View Master. And I’m also allowed to talk about one of my passions…LEGO. So, when Anne asked me to take a group of LEGO Star Wars (LSW) fans on a Deep Dive tour of Steve’s LEGO collection, I knew it was going to take some time prepare, but this wasn’t work, this was a dream.

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Behind the Scenes: Celebration Helmet Exhibit Creation

When we came up with the concept for a “wall of helmets” we didn’t know exactly how to pull it off. I knew that our exhibit booth was made of slat-wall and I knew there existed hangers for baseball caps, but those hangers weren’t long enough or tall enough and what if the weight of the helmets brought the wall down!?

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Inspired by the Force: A Rare Spiral Photo Book

One of the ultimate collectibles from the original 1977 Star Wars is this precious Photo Book that was organized by producer Gary Kurtz and given to members of the cast and crew. These still come up for private sale and auctions as veterans of the film decide to part with them.

See below for the whole story and a few scans of the pages within.

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