Happenings: Petaluma Hobby Expo

Even the smallest of comic conventions, hobby expos, toy shows, and fan fests can make for a fun family outing. I remember a small convention called Fan Days that took place in the Plano Event Center in Texas. That convention grew to become the massive Dallas Comic Con that eventually merged with Canada’s Fan Expo. Petaluma’s Hobby Expo has a focus on modeling, but also includes toys, other hobbies, and celebrities.

Rancho Obi-Wan had a small booth at the Expo in February, 2013. We brought our meager goods to sell, a computer with a photo slide show of the museum and a lighted display case of some of Steve’s original props and key pieces from the production of the films. The Rebel and 501st Legions had costumed characters and the R2-D2 builders group brought a contingent of Droids.

Also there were our friends Fon Davis and Randy Neubert, both talented, experienced Makers. Fon had just donated his entire loose action figure collection to Rancho Obi-Wan that would become an eBay sensation. That’s a story for another post…

Anne Neumann is President and CEO of Rancho Obi-Wan, former Volunteer Coordinator and Fan Club Breakfast Manager for Official Pix, and previously a Systems Analyst at the University of Texas at Austin.