Star Wars taught me at a very young age to believe in my dreams and that magic is real. So if you would have told me when I was 6 years old that someday I’d be working for a place called “Rancho Obi-Wan” that houses the world’s largest Star Wars collection…I would have believed you.
Star Wars has been inspiring people all over the world, perhaps the galaxy, since its 1977 premiere. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just a casual one, you’ve been touched by Star Wars in some way. It has become a part of our society, our culture and our everyday lives. The Force of Star Wars has always been strong—and with the anticipation of Episode VII it will only grow stronger.
As a first generation Star Wars fan it’s been amazing to watch the fan base grow over the years. I smile when I see friends post about showing their children Star Wars for the first time, or seeing a family all dressed as Jedi at Comic-Con. Now, what I look forward to the most is seeing people’s faces as they experience Rancho Obi-Wan for the first time.
I remember what it was like for me when I walked into Rancho Obi-Wan (ROW) for the first time. I was so completely overwhelmed with emotion and joy I started to cry happy tears. Although I wanted to run through the museum yelling “Yub Nub!” I found myself just standing still…looking around…gazing at the galactic goodness that surrounded me and smiling more than I had in a long time ago in a childhood far, far away.
Many people ask me what is Rancho Obi-Wan? Yes, it’s a museum filled with the world’s largest Star Wars collection, but it is so much more. It’s not just toys or trading cards. It’s history and culture and memories of a film franchise that changed our lives. It’s a place for everyone to come enjoy, remember and experience Star Wars. It’s a safe environment for everyone to be who they are and share their love of Star Wars with others.
To me Rancho Obi-Wan is joy. It makes me happy. It makes me smile. I’m fortunate enough to be at ROW on a regular basis and I get excited each and every time I visit. I want everyone to be able to experience Rancho Obi-Wan. This is why the mission of Rancho is so important and why ROW is so important to Star Wars. It’s vital that we all support ROW now to ensure it can continue to conserve, exhibit and interpret Star Wars memorabilia and artifacts for generations to come. Star Wars taught me how to believe and Star Wars is forever. I believe that together we can make sure Rancho Obi-Wan will be forever too.